First of all, many warm wishes to all of you for the year ahead and to all of our customers, we thank you all for appreciating our products and letting us be a part of your journey. Starting this year we have many things planned for our theme shop, one of them is to re-release some of our themes for free.
We’re very pleased to announce that starting today we have released two of our awesome themes Forest & Raiden for free forever, both of these themes have been updated to work with the latest WordPress 5.6 and the all-new Gutenberg aka Block Editor.
If you wish to know more about these themes, continue reading below –
Clean, Bold Portfolio & Gutenberg-Ready Free WordPress Theme

Forest is a flat design portfolio type theme, with clean & easy content creation at the base of its principles. It was initially launched at Themeforest and has been there ever since.
Forest is well designed to be responsive on all viewports, it also has a sweet set of theme options right at the Customizer for you to control the most important aspects of your site/theme and nothing extra to clutter your workflow.
A short preview of theme features

These options consist of font controls with all the Google fonts library for you to choose from, blog controls for header and excerpt, etc, along with Google analytics integration, contact form, colors, and portfolio controls. Just enough to keep you in control but not more to get you distracted.
We have also made sure your content stays as exact as possible in the new block editor, at the same time keeping compatibility with the old classic editor. So whether you’re diving high waters or laying low in the pool, your content stays rock solid.
Stylish, Minimal & Gutenberg-Ready Free WordPress Themeβ

Raiden is a minimal yet stylish blogging theme for publishers. It comes with 6 color scheme presets and allows you to fully customize your desired color system for the site. Among many great features, there is responsiveness on all viewports, and WordPress 5.6 ready.
A short preview of theme features

Such as our all other premium WordPress themes, Raiden is no different, with just the controls you need to customize your site and zero clutter. Although it does have all the required controls, one needs to start their very own blog but it is primarily designed for plug & play users with a really minor setup in focus. Raiden is also Gutenberg ready, meaning you can write and create your state of the art post with no worries of it looking any different at the front.
Both of these themes have their own extensive tutorials & articles available at our theme docs site, among them is dummy data from demo sites if you wish to have a headstart beforehand. By having a premium tag both of these themes are well checked for their quality ends to meet users expectations.
Even though these themes will not be covered under our premium support via email, rest assured we’ll keep these themes updated for years to come and free to use.
With all of the above said & done, we hope that one of these themes makes a good fit for any of you reading or looking for a high quality WordPress theme.
Cheers to a happy & healthy future! π₯