Theme Options at the Customizer

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This theme takes advantage of the WordPress live customizer, where you can tweak the settings and see the effect of the changes on the fly. Go to Appearance → Customize and you will see the customizer. Most of the things related to the theme settings is now based here, under the “Theme options tab”. Let’s take a short look at what the options have to offer:

  • Hide Author Avatar
    This checkbox option will show or hide the Author’s avatar from the single post covers.
  • Center Post Cover Content
    As the name suggests, this option will center the content of the post’s cover.
  • Archive Layout
    Here you can choose a default layout for your post archives (category posts etc). You may choose between a tile based and a grid based layout.
  • Footer Text
    Customize the footer copyright text by editing this field.
  • Hide Theme byline
    Checking this checkbox will hide the copyright text at the footer.
Last updated on November 8, 2023

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