Working with section widgets

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In order to be able to properly take advantage of the widgetized page templates, you will need to learn about three custom widgets that are included, and they serve as content / layout sections for any widgetized page.

Section: Static Content

This widget is extremely handy and very easy to use. What it does is to output the contents of a static page. So, just create a static page, add your content, and select the page from the drop down. The contents will appear at the homepage. You can use as many instances of the “Section: Static Content” widget as you wish, in the same page.

Section: Recent Posts

This Recent posts custom widget is a powerful and versatile way to show sections of your blog posts. It includes three display options: Grid – Compact – Tiled

Section: Featured Post

This is quite straightforward. Adding this widget and selecting a post / page id will output a post / page cover. If you do not know how to find the id of the post or page that you want to show, follow this article.

Last updated on November 8, 2023

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