A few words about Posts

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After creating your post content you can assign a “Cover” Image, that will show at the top of the blog post. The suggested size is 1400px in width and can be of any height. However we cannot resist to suggest a height of about 560px.

Setting a Featured Image for your post

At the Homepage, your latest post can be displayed with a Featured image and an excerpt. In our case, look at the demo (post section), and see that the post at the left side -which is the latest- is presented as described above. The older posts are shown on the right, in a  vertical list format.

So, let’s get back to the post page at the admin side. If you want to set a featured image for the post, go to the ‘Featured Image’ box at the sidebar and set a featured image. We suggest a square shape
(the featured image at the demo is 200×200 px).

Hit Update and you should be ready to go.

To include the blog section on homepage just use the “Homepage: blog” widget at the Homepage Widgets panel, under
Appearance > Widgets

Last updated on November 8, 2023

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