Slope, like any other WordPress theme, allows you to define which page will be displayed on your homepage/frontpage. You can choose to always display your latest posts or a static page.
In order to set up a front page follow the below steps
- From your Dashboard, Go to Appearance > Customize.
- In the Customizer panel, click on “Homepage Settings” tab.
- Select the second radio button which says “A Static Page”, so that your front page is set to display a static page.
Now, from the dropdowns below, choose a static page from the list as your Front page, and another for your Posts page.
- Remember to click on Publish button available at the top, so the changes you made can be saved.
If you have followed the previous article on the widgetized page template, you should by now be able to create a homepage layout based on widgets. If you simply select the widgetized page you have created, to the Front page dropdown, your site should now use that page as the homepage.