How can I have the RSVP form in a separate page if I want to?

Home » Docs » How can I have the RSVP form in a separate page if I want to?

Thanks to the Stag Custom Sidebars plugin this is quite easy. Follow these steps:

  • Create a new custom sidebar, e.g. “RSVP page”
  • At that sidebar, add the Section: RSVP Form widget and hit save.
  • Now we need to output this sidebar (or widget area if you prefer) to a specific page. Let’s go to pages > add new and create a new page, and assign it the “widgetized” template.
  • Now copy the sidebar shortcode and paste it in the content editor of the static page you just created.
  • You are ready to go. Now you have a static page that has the RSVP form. If you wish you can add some more widgets to the custom sidebar.
Last updated on November 8, 2023

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