- Section: Static Content
- Section: Latest Posts
- Section: Recent Posts (Grid)
- Section: Contributors
- Section: Featured Callout
- Section: Featured Slides
Section: Static Content
This widget outputs the content of a specific static page, and allows to customize the background, and colors. You can add as many static content sections as you want at the layout. Let’s try to add one now.
First you have to create the content at a new page. Go to
Pages > Add New and create a new page. Create the content you wish and save it. Now let’s return to the widgets area. Drag the Section: Static Content widget to the panel that you use for your widgetized page. Give the section a title and from the “Select page” dropdown select the page you just created. Hit save and you are good to go.
Section: Latest Posts
A “Section: Latest Posts” widget, is a handy widget that can be used in a custom sidebar panel, and be used for a widgetized page template.
This section widget shows a selected number of posts, displaying them over a background image. We are using this widget at our theme demo, at a widgetized page template:
Section: Recent Posts (Grid)
This widget will output a number of your latest posts in a grid layout. You can also select the category from which the posts will be displayed from, or show all posts. Again, this widget has a very straight-forward setup, and you can use it in any widgetized page.
Section: Contributors
This simple widget will output a list of your authors/contributors in a horizontal grid. Nothing to setup here apart from the widget’s title and a widget description.
Section: Feature Callout
Section: Featured slides
Section: Featured slide item, and when placed in the context of a widgetized page, it will output a selected number of slides. Let’s see how to easily create your slides:
Featured Slider Section widget area.
Featured Slide item.

Once you complete creating your slides, try adding an instance of a Section: Featured slides widget. You should see the slideshow in action. Note that you can re-order the slideshow in the layout, as you would do with any widget.