The wedding events

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You can easily set up events for your wedding by going to
Events > Add new.

You basically create a new page for your event, and you can set up a number of properties:

  • Event Page Subtitle: Enter the sub title for the event, used to display on single post.
  • Event Date: Set the date of the Event
  • Event Time: Enter the time schedule of the event (e.g. 14:00 PM  – 16:00 PM)
  • Event Featured Image: Choose a featured image for event, (ideal size 460px x 185px). This is used to display on the homepage events section.
  • Event Cover: Choose a background cover for event, (ideal size 1260px x 260px). Used to display on the single event page.
  • Event Location: Enter the location of the event.
  • Event Map Link: Enter the Google map link to display a map.
Last updated on November 8, 2023

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