Introducing StagTools 2.0 Learn what’s new and improved

For a couple of months we have been working on ways to improve StagTools, as we see about 10,000+ active installations, our goal was to make the transition smooth and hassle free. Today, we are releasing StagTools 2.0. This one is mainly about performance improvements and a couple of new additions. So you might need […]

Introducing Codestag 3.0

We are quite happy to share some awesome news today! As you might have noticed, we were a bit silent the last weeks, working on a major redesign of our website, and a full rebranding, with a great new logo designed by Graham Smith. So, we are proud to introduce you Codestag 3.0! About one and a […]

New Features in WordPress 4.0

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 is out today with a number of new features and improvements. 4.0 is due out next month, it still needs a lot of testing, but we quickly did a walkthrough of what’s coming up next in WordPress in this video:

How to Fix Google Chrome Web Fonts Issue

If you have been facing issue with web fonts not displaying properly, here are a couple of ways to get rid of them. This bug was introduced in Chrome v33 and supposed to be fixed in next update as the bug if already reported in Chrome bug thread. It’s needed for Chrome to repaint the […]

Native CSS Features Detection @supports Rule Arrives in Firefox Nightly

Firefox recently released the new CSS3 API @supports for Firefox Nightly. It now supports the CSS Conditional Rules Level 3 specification. @supports rules helps you to detect native CSS feature. We are comfortable with the idea of sending different code to different browsers to provide different but still acceptable user experience. Feature detection is normally […]

How to use WordPress 3.5 Media Uploader in Theme Options

WordPress 3.5 is just released with a number of major changes. The one I love most is HiDPI display support, WordPress looks so beautiful on my MacBook Pro Retina display. Besides, after the update was released I considered upgrading my StagFramework to the WordPress 3.5 standard, going ahead I implemented media uploader and color picker […]

PayPal Payment Icon with Single Element using CSS3

A couple of months back when people reached beyond CSS3 heights. I started wondering that is there any limit to CSS3? New CSS techniques are opening several ways which were wasn’t possible without JavaScript. Below is an example of how CSS3 can be effective in reducing your work, it’s not just limited to creating rounded […]

CSS3 Stitched Effect

Web design trend is getting different now, these days designers and developers wants to do much more with less. Where I think that too much makes a page look bad where too little can also make your website look kinda vintage. Thanks to CSS3, with this developer can do amazing things. Not to forget the […]