Stag Custom Sidebars

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Heads up! Not all themes are compatible with the plugins listed on this section. Before using a plugin, make sure it is compatible with the theme by checking the “Recommended Plugins for…” page of the theme’s documentation.

A truly powerful and simple plugin that lets you create unlimited sidebars. Allows you to create widget areas where you can put widgets section related widgets and output the desired structure either with inserting the sidebar shortcode into a widgetized page, or via the “Sidebar Settings” panel at the right side of the page you are editing.

Combined with the “Widgetized” page template (whenever it is available, depending on the theme), with this plugin one can create multiple widgetized pages, as landing pages etc.

You can find more details about Stag Custom Sidebars on WordPress plugin page.

Last updated on November 8, 2023

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