How do I get Support for my theme?

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If you still cannot find an answer to your question, or you have an issue with one of our products, you are welcome to send a support request at and we will be happy to help you out.

Support is provided to all verified customers, so you will need to log in to your account prior to submitting a new support request. If you have not registered for an account, please take a minute to do so, and have your purchase code handy!

Then, just use the form at the right of the page to start a new conversation with one of our support staff. 

We provide accurate, one-on-one friendly support via email, using the helpscout platform.

How to Ask for Support effectively

In order to receive an accurate and fast answer to your issue, follow these tips:

  • Always include your site’s URL. 99% of the times, we cannot resolve any issue without having a live example of where the issue appears.
  • Be descriptive. Try to provide as much information as possible.
  • If needed, share your admin login details and login URL. Sharing this information is safe, do not hesitate to provide those if you are asked to. 
  • Be polite and respect the support staff. Aggressive and/or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Remember that support staff wants to solve your problem as much as you do. Be polite, and respect the time they devote.
  • Support is not Customization. Remember that the support we provide only has to do with theme-related questions and bugs. We do not offer support for CSS and/or code customization. If this is what you need, we suggest that either you hire a web developer to do these for you.

By using our support service, you accept our support policy.

Last updated on November 8, 2023

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