Crux uses the Awesome Layer Slider, a $20 value plugin, which is included in the download files. Make sure you have installed the Layer Slider Plugin as described at the beginning of the documentation “Installing the required Plugins”.
A separate help file for the slider plugin is included in the download folder. Please refer to this file for any information about configuring the Slider.
Having the Slider at homepage
There are 2 ways to output the slider at your homepage. The simplest way is to add the “LayerSlider WP Widget”, at the custom widget area that you are using for your homepage. Another way is to do it through a shortcode. In order to do this, follow these steps:
- At your admin side, navigate to LayerSlider WP. At the top section you will see a list of available Sliders. The second column shows the shortcode that can be used to output the slider.
- Go to your Homepage Edit page screen, and insert the shortcode at the beginning of the content to show the Slider at the top.
Using Sample Slides
We have a dummy slider for you, to use it as a starting point. To import the slider:
- Go to LayerSlider WP settings page.
- At the main LayerSlider settings page, choose to import a slider. You can upload dummy file containing LayerSlider slides. You can find the dummy file under download package that comes with theme located under crux-package/dummy content/layerslider/